CV.日本語 CV. English Bibliography


"Does the universe exist within us?"

I visited places that are researching "Why do we exist? And after meeting these researchers and receiving their knowledge, I concluded that we humans know very little about humans and the universe. Through scientific experiments, I learned the importance of the need to confirm, step by step, scientifically proving that we can be human to who we are.

What is a human being?" With these thoughts in mind, after visiting the places where the beginning of the universe was studied, I thought about photographing something that symbolizes human beings: the brain.

:In 2015, I presented a video work.
"The red route to sensory and motor cortex controls movement"
Video work / 00:02:19 min / infinite
(This work was created by photographing data from the brains of laboratory mice obtained with an electron microscope.)

Images of neurons are floating in the darkness. It is a microcosm within the body where countless neurons twinkle like stars. This work accompanied the sounds of space near Saturn recorded by NASA using the Cassini spacecraft (sounds sampled by the artist). By immersing ourselves in the sounds from the universe, we objectively or subjectively look at the inside of our brains as if it were space. This artwork suggests this question, asking you, "What is a human being, and what is the universe?

*Science support by Professor Gordon Arbuthnott, Brain Mechanisms for Behaviour Unit, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (OIST) & Assistants: Neyerilla Lie Fong, Sui Yin Chin/Erasmus University Rotterdam
Photographed: motor cortex

: Brain Mechanisms for Behaviour Unit
The Unit has made positive and steady progress despite early frustrations resulting from moving to the new campus and delays in equipment delivery at the start of the year. The neuronal cultures are once more growing well and yielding interesting results. The new mouse lines are established and the first results from the paired recordings in corticostriatal cultures are in press. We have published 5 papers and submitted 7 posters, five at a triennial Basal Ganglia meeting in the USA. Several more manuscripts are in preparation. The Unit hosted two greatly varying student electives; both produced promising new results that will lead us into new areas of research in the coming year. Two researchers moved on to new ventures and their respective replacements have been identified. New collaborations within OIST have also been established. In the coming year, we look forward to continuing to move the boundaries of what we know. (from Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University Website)


*科学サポート: ゴードン・アーバスノット教授 (行動の脳機構ユニット、沖縄科学技術大学院大学 OIST)
アシスタント: Ms. Sui Chi、Ms. Neyerilla Lie Fong/エラスムス大学

"The red route to sensory and motor cortex controls movement"
映像作品/ 00:02:19 分/無限

:感覚と運動皮質の移動を制御する赤ルート/The red route to sensory and motor cortex controls movement
撮影箇所:運動皮質/motor cortex

特定のニューロンで産生される脳内報酬物質、ドーパミンの分泌過剰および分泌不足について研究しています。 神経系におけるドーパミンの役割を解明するため、本ユニットでは、生理学、分子遺伝学、および解剖学の手法を用いながら、ヒトを含めた動物が外界と関わる際の基本的なメカニズムを研究します。研究の結果は。依存症からパーキンソン病まで様々な疾患に関連があります。(沖縄科学技術大学院大学ウエブサイトより引用)

"the universe of the brain" Satoru Yoshioka & Hermina Nedelescu.PhD
Venue: gallery COEXIST-TOKYO
Address: 3-18-17 Kiba, Koto-ku, Tokyo
Dates: Saturday, December 5 - Sunday, December 27, 2015