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プラチナプリント/ オルタナティブプロセス、土佐白金紙と出会う

会場: COHJU contemporary art

住所: 〒604-0981京都市中京区丸太町通寺町西入毘沙門町557江寿ビル

開催日時: 2014年4月26日(土)~5月11日(日)
Platinum Print / Alternative Process meets Tosahakkinshi

Venue : COHJU contemporary art

1F Cohju Bld., 557 Bisyamon-cho,Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto 604-0981

April 26th (Sat.) – May 11th (Sun.) , 2014

"Tosa Hakkinshi" is a new type of Japanese paper for platinum prints made in Kochi, one of the traditional centers of washi paper production. This exhibition will feature platinum prints made on Tosa Hakkinshi by Mark & Kristen Sink, Francis Schanberger, and Satoru Yoshioka, both based in the United States and originally from Kochi. The exhibition also includes an introduction to the process of making Tosa Hakkinshi. Visitors will experience the fascination and new possibilities created by the combination of photography and washi paper.

Artist: Mark & Christine Sink / Frances Schamberger / Satoru Yoshioka

What is Tosa Hakkinshi?
Tosa Hakkinshi, a high-quality Japanese Washi paper for platinum prints, has a soft and elegant texture unique to Kozo paper mulberry and can withstand long-term storage. It retains the performance and durability of conventional platinum prints, which are characterized by soft and beautiful tonal gradations and high preservation.

Tosa Hakkinshi" originated from the idea of focusing on preserving washi, which is said to last 1,000 years as a supporting material. It was newly developed in 2013 through a process of thought and error by Satoru Yoshioka, a resident of Kochi, Ayako Yoshioka, a designer who has widely introduced the appeal of Tosa Washi, a group of young papermakers from Ino-cho, "Tosa no Yama, Paper Resource Association," and Masayuki Nishimaru of Photo Gallery International, who is also a photo technician. This is a Japanese paper for platinum prints.

*Ino-cho has been famous for its washi since ancient times.

古くから和紙の産地である高知で新たにプラチナプリント用の和紙として生み出された「土佐白金紙」。本展では、米国を拠点に活動しているMark & Kristen Sink, Francis Schanbergerと高知出身の吉岡さとるによる「土佐白金紙」を使用したプラチナプリントの作品を展示いたします。また作品とあわせて「土佐白金紙」が誕生するまでのプロセスをご紹介いたします。写真と和紙の組み合わせが生み出す魅力と新たな可能性を感じていただけることでしょう。
Artist: マーク&クリスティン・シンク/フランシス・シャンバーガー/吉岡さとる

楮ならではの優しく上品な質感を持ち、長期保存に耐えうる高品質のプラチナプリント用和紙「土佐白金紙」は、筆運びが滑らかで毛羽たちにくく、緻密でありながら柔らかな風合いをもち、柔らかで美しい階調と高い保存性が特徴である従来のプラチナプリントの画像に劣らないパフォーマンスとパーマンネンスを保持 しています。
